Sold a Story was super fascinating! Thanks for the recommendation. I don't have children, or work in education, but I'm endlessly curious about how to teach something in the way that the student will comprehend. It also made me very thankful for the great teachers and librarians in my life as a child, the phonics skills they taught, and reading as an everyday part of my growing up. I hate to think of an alternate reality where I was taught differently and didn't grow up loving to read.

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Thank you for writing about your mom - I'm 28 with two little kids (3 and 1) and my mom passed away suddenly in 2021 before my second baby was born. I struggle with being envious of others as well, but I never really had accurate words for why until I read how you phrased it. Yes the help and the advice would be so welcome, but it's the relationship they will never have that brings me to tears. I know this wasn't the point of your answer, but if you have any wisdom on raising kids without your mom to lean on I'd be happy to hear it! :D

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Loved this, as always! I remember coming across that little book in college and being very turned off by it, even while others loved it. That has been my experience with almost all private revelation, honestly, so I've always been grateful for the Church's approach to private revelation. In my sinfulness, I am just too cynical to appreciate it, I guess ;)

Also, Kev and I have been talking about that Haidt piece since the day it came out. So much to chew on and so much to ponder as far as how to model and teach the next generation. Oof.

Wish we were neighbors so we could talk about all the podcasts and articles, since it seems we're always reading/ listening to the same things! Peace!

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There are tons of nursing jobs in Pittsburgh ...and real estate in my neighborhood is still affordable. I would completely approve of a Heider family move!

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