I just have to say that as a fellow Catholic laywoman/nonacademic writer, these lines struck me deeply:

“I think we need Catholic women who aren’t academics, writing for popular audiences about these topics (and about the Faith in general). For some, it’s not always helpful to hear these teachings from a man (especially a celibate man). Some need to hear them from someone who they feel understands their struggles from the inside. I hope, in a small way, I’m meeting that need.”

I’m in my 30s now, but I was a 20-something college student when I first discovered you and your writing. It’s hard for me to overstate the impact you’ve had on my faith journey, and on my own career pursuits.

Your recent IVF substack post was a master class in writing the truth with courage, clarity, and charity—reminding me of what I need to continually strive for it my own work. Thank you for setting the bar so high, Emily, and for not letting anyone discourage you from doing so.

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I love your writing, Emily, and am here for the long haul. I admire your fidelity to writing what you believe God is calling you to write, even if it means risking the loss of followers (and income).

I am so glad you spoke of the importance of discernment between husband and wife—not anyone outside the marriage. This is such an important and overlooked point. I guess we want easy answers. But how beautiful is the grace that the Sacrament of Marriage gives us to come together in prayer and help each other hear God’s voice!

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God bless you for your faithfulness. The only thing the Lord Jesus asks is that we be faithful day by day. It’s refreshing to see it lived out with authenticity and courage.

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It makes me so sad that people would unsubscribe because you restated Church teachings in a clear and gentle way. Thank you for your ministry.

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It never dawned on me after reading your IVF piece that it was controversial. I was taken aback when you mentioned in this essay that it was so.

Thanks for all that you do!

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I’m proud to be a supporter and am shocked that others found your IVF piece worth unsubscribing for. I value your opinion and agree so much with your discernment and words on these tough topics. May God bless you!

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I agree. That post was practical, ethical, but abundantly kind and understanding. One would have to feel very pointedly about IVF, no matter what, to have a problem with it, or they refuse to see the truth.

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Thanks for your writing Emily! I’m always excited when a new piece is in my inbox, your writing makes me feel a little more sane. 😂

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I really appreciate the wording “I think…. we’re done having children.” So simple and yet so much contained in that add-on. What is happening in Alabama post-IVF ruling shows exactly how disordered it is. Legislators going to great lengths to protect clinics and providers from lawsuits and parents eager for that to happen? Huh? Can you imagine if Ob-Gyns decided to stop delivering babies because they don’t want to get sued and then legislators decided to shield them from lawsuits altogether and parents were eager for that outcome?

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Thank you for your posts on hard topics! I’ve had to cut back on a lot of my Substack but I keep yours because I believe so much in the beauty of your work!

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Your post on IVF was so helpful to me. I’ve recommended your previous writing on IVF to friends as well. Thank you for your courage and faithfulness.

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Your voice is so needed. Thank you for all that you do!

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Have always loved your writing, Emily, and the fact that you stand up for the Truth and the Church makes your eloquence all the sweeter. Something that I often get short-sighted on is how important it is to read the words of others who don't do not agree with us. Thank you for bringing up that valuable point.

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