Praying for you and your family, Emily! I’m so sorry for your loss. You are so good to think of your paying subscribers, but I’m sure I speak for many of us when I say, “Take the time you need. We understand.”

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Emily, I am so sorry for the loss of your dad and all the difficulties that come with that. I will be praying for you all, and especially for relief for Chris’s disc situation—that is rough on ALL of you. Please forget about the substack writing for now. You have enough on your plate. Your writing is always edifying, but we can all certainly survive in its absence!!!

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No deadlines, no expectations. Only prayers. Be with your family. Grieve and love. Thank you for your writing, but it can wait. Mama Mary, be with and pray for the Stimpson Chapman family.

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Emily, I am so sorry for your loss. I lost my Dad on May 2nd and was minutes away from his bedside before he passed. It is so so hard. Yet, in the days after his passing his presence was palpable in surprising and joyful ways. Do not put pressure on your already fragile emotions to dig into work lest your own health suffer. It’s not the season to put out the newsletter or write “extra.” Grieve as you must and take care of yourself and your family. Losing a parent will place you on a roller coast ride that has unsuspecting twist and turns of emotions.

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What an overwhelming and difficult time for you and your family. I’m so sorry for your loss and the heavy crosses right now. I will continue to pray mightily for you, Chris, your sweet family, your Dad and in particular your precious mother. This must be an overwhelmingly frightening time for her. I’m so glad you have the pictures. The ones of your dad and children are so beautiful.

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I am so sorry for the loss of your sweet dad and Chris’ pain. I will devote my holy hour this week to prayers for your family. I am sure I speak for all your subscribers when I say that our subscription is to support you as a writer, and not as a payment for a certain amount of writing. Take care of yourself and your family. These are tender days. ❤️

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Im sorry for your loss! We live in Illinois, just east of Rockford. Can we help you at all? My email is Emily.polster@gmail.com.

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Aug 29, 2023·edited Aug 29, 2023

So many prayers for all of you, Emily. I'm so sorry to hear of your dad's passing. Precious photo of your parents. We'll be storming the heavens with prayers for all of you. <3

Edit: if you are still looking for a place to stay, an idea is to reach out to family friends/your parents' friends. The empty nesters may have space for you and may welcome the company of a busy family. We did this when we were in a similar situation. So many people are glad to help in any way at times like these. Continued prayers 🙏

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Prayers for all. Having a Mass said for the repose of your dad's soul and your family's trip.

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Praying for you and your family. As do many have mentioned above, please don’t worry about the missing post for the month.

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This is many struggles on your plate. I am praying for you and all your family. It's a beautiful email of sharing, please "take the time you need to be with your family and grieve the loss of your father. The care of your Mama is so important. What a beautiful woman. My mother had Alzheimers, so I understand the struggles. May you find strength and peace in surrendering to Jesus. Let HIM take care of everything. In Unity, Mary

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I know I am not the only subscriber who will say, please take all the time you need. We will be here when you get back, and it is good to know there is some small way we can help your family (besides prayers of course, which will be offered in abundance!). I am deeply sorry for your loss and just all the things going on at the same time. We are also having a difficult week here in my family, and I will be offering some of those trials up on your family’s behalf, especially for Chris to find some relief from his pain. Love to you all.

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Dear Emily, I’m very sorry for your loss. You’ve got so much going on. Holding you up in prayer.

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I'm so sorry for the loss of your father! You and your family will definitely be in my prayers. And of course I don't expect you to try to make up for the August newsletter.

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So sorry to hear about your dad’s passing!! You are in my prayers!

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Thank you for the update... Although so sorry for this recent state of affairs. What a hard time for you and your family! I'm sending prayers from New Zealand. With much love to you friend!

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