About This Newsletter
Hi, I’m Emily Stimpson Chapman, a wife, mother, and Catholic writer. I’ve spent the past two decades writing books, essays, news articles, and studies about Church teaching and the life of faith. Now, with three small children ages four and under, I’m not as good at meeting deadlines as I used to be. I still, however, want to help people understand the Faith more deeply and know Christ more intimately. Writing here allows me to do that, but with fewer deadlines and more flexibility.
My goal is always to teach the Faith with fidelity and clarity, but also with gentleness and compassion, sacrificing neither orthodoxy nor charity. That’s what I hope you’ll find in my weekly newsletters. Three times a month all subscribers receive a free edition of the newsletter, which includes an ongoing book study (this year, we’re reading the encyclicals of Pope Benedict XVI); answers to reader questions about theology, faith, and life; and links to essays, podcasts, recipes, and items I want to recommend. Once a month, I send an edition to full subscribers only, featuring a long form essay that dives deeply into a particular aspect of the life of faith (this also comes in audio format, for those who prefer listening). All are written to help you understand Church teaching more deeply and integrate its wisdom more fully into your everyday life. My prayer for this newsletter is not just that it helps you know your faith better, but also that it helps you live it more fully and bear witness to it more joyfully, as you grow closer to Christ.
Thank you for being here. I hope you stick around.
Why subscribe?
I have the heart of an evangelist, but the bills of a woman with three little ones and a husband who teaches theology at a Catholic high school. That’s why there are multiple free editions of the newsletter each month, but also one for those who are able to support this work with a small donation.
If you’re not able to become a full subscriber at this time, I hope you benefit from the wide range of questions about faith and life that I tackle in my monthly Q&A newsletters, plus all the links I share in that issue. You’re also welcome to follow me on Instagram, where I do similar work, albeit in short form.
If you are able to become a full subscriber, I am deeply grateful for that support (and so is our mortgage lender). As a full subscriber, you’ll receive every edition of the newsletters, have full access to the archives, and be able to participate in the comments on all posts. You’ll also get a first look at new writing projects and early access to my free e-books.
About Emily Stimpson Chapman
Emily Stimpson Chapman is an award-winning Catholic writer based in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. She is the author of six books including Letters to Myself from the End of the World (Emmaus Road, 2021), Hope to Die: The Christian Meaning of the Resurrection of the Body (co-authored with Scott Hahn, 2020, Emmaus Road), and The Catholic Table: Finding Joy Where Food & Faith Meet (Emmaus Road, 2016). She recently released her first children’s book, Mary:Mother of All, co-authored with Scott Hahn. A second children’s book with Hahn, based on his bestselling book, The Lamb’s Supper, will be forthcoming later in 2023. Emily has also authored six book length studies for the women’s ministry Endow, is the editor and co-author of the Formed in Christ High School Textbook series, and is the author of numerous Bible studies, as well as hundreds of articles and essays for Catholic publications. Honored by both the Catholic Press Association and the Associated Church Press, Chapman lives in Pittsburgh with her husband and three young children, ages 4, 2, and 1.
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