Today Chris, Kate, Casey, and I are talking about creativity. What is creativity? What does it mean to be creative? How does pursuing creativity in work, life, marriage, and family make us more alive and help us live more deeply human lives? Also, why does my skin crawl when people use the word “creative” as a noun and not an adjective? (Seriously people, please don’t ever call me “a Creative.”)
P.S. This is the last day, these podcast episodes will be available on my Substack. After today, all future episodes (and all back episodes) will be available on most major podcast streaming apps, and here on Substack, with a Substack of its own. All podcasts will be free, but Substack will allow us to interact more with listeners, solicit feedback and questions from you, and provide exclusive subscriber content. I’ll send out an invite once everything goes live, and I do hope you will join us.
Mentioned on Today’s Episode
Articles and Books
John Paul II’s “Letter to Artists”
A Room of Ones Own by Virginia Woolf
“Christianity and Poetry,” by Dana Gioia
Studying With Miss Bishop by Dana Gioia
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